UV Sterilization Dosages



UV Dosage

Algae Chlorella Vulgaris 22,000
Bacteria Aeromonas Salmonicida 3,620
Bacteria Pseudomonas Fluorescens (fin rot) 11,000
Bacteria Bacilus Subtilus (spores) 22,000
Fungi Saprolengnia (zoo spores) 39,600
Protozoa Sarcina Lutea 26,400
Protozoa Ceratomyxa Shasta 30,000
Protozoa Trichodina Sp. 35,000
Protozoa Myxobolus Cerebralis (Whirling Disease) 40,000
Protozoa Ichthyophthirius Tomites (freshwater ich) 100,000
Protozoa Amyloodinium Ocellateum (marine velvet) 105,000
Protozoa Trichodina Nigra 159,000
Protozoa Cryptocaryon Irritans (marine white spot) 280,000
Protozoa Costia Necatrix 318,000
Virus KHV (koi herpes virus) 4,000
Virus CCV (channel catfish virus) 20,000
Virus IHNV (infectius hematopoietic necrosis) 20,000
Virus OMV (oncorhynchus masou virus) 20,000
Virus IHNV 30,000
Virus VHS (viral haemorrhagic septicaemia) 32,000
Virus CSV (chum salmon virus) 100,000
Virus IPNV (infectius pancreatic necrosis virus) 150,000
If you can provide your system’s pump GPM (gallon per minute) dosage and provide type of bacteria that needs to be killed; We can provide a custom build size UV.
Dosage Calculation SAMPLE
Size Body Watts GPM
(Gallon p/ min.)
15" Longer

61 1/2" Lamp

6" Pipe 375W 300 GPM 30.26mJ
6" Pipe 300W 300 GPM 23.31mJ
NOTE: Same body, diffrerent wattage GPM is the same but Dosage turns out differently.
Dosage SCENARIO Sample 2
Size Body Watts GPM
(Gallon p/ min.)
4  Lamps 10" Pipe SCH 80 375W 300 GPM 273.1mJ
5 Lamps 10" Pipe SCH 80 375W 300 GPM 343.33mJ
NOTE: Body, Wattage and GPM are the same, but Dosage turns out differently. If you need to kill Protozoa; with a dosage of 280 Mega-joules and only providing 273.2 mJ. Is it worth risking your fish for not adding an extra lamp?

We have more calculations to show you at the bottom of our Amalgam Series Page


4505 W Hacienda Ave Suite C

Las Vegas, NV 89118



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M-F: 7:00 am - 2:30 pm

S & S: Closed



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Patent #7767978 EPA Est. No 84519-NV-1