AquaPonics Products
W.Lim Products, are designed to handle large aquaponic systems as the system shown in the images below.
Things necessary to create an aquaponic holding system (Tank)
Amalgam UV 600,000 milliWatts
High Output 80,000 Required
Wave UV 40,000
UVP8 640-620
Stainless Steel UV 80,000
Bottom Drain with Air Dome- to remove water
Pump- to allow water to circulate (to turn)
Ultraviolet Sterilizer (UV) – to eliminate Bacteria & Protozoa
SETtlement Tank- necessary to remove heavy debris.
Filter- needed to remove Ammonium nitrite allowing for heavier fish load.
Open Hours
M-F: 7:00 am - 2:30 pm
S & S: Closed
Phone Number
Patent #7767978 EPA Est. No 84519-NV-1