About Us

Founder William Lim W. Lim Corp in 1980 at first as a koi wholesaler. Over the course of 30 years, he grew the company into a top-tier, internationally recognized manufacturer of high-end koi pond products, swimming pools, and aquaponics equipment, from their trademarked and super-efficient Wave and Dragon series pumps to their patented high-output UV sterilizers.

          Hector Mardueño started his company, Stonewall Creek, in 2018. He researched and tested all the equipment on the market to find the tools that would withstand the Vegas heat, handle the biohazard loads of natural swim pools and koi ponds, and ultimately create ponds that were pristine in both colorand safety. That’s when he discovered W. Lim Corp. After using their equipment to build several successful ponds, he became one of William’s biggest and most loyal customers. Then in September of 2021, after 3 months of negations, Hector Mardueno acquired W. Lim Corporation

Through the name W. Lim Corporation, Hector hopes to continue William’s legacy and share the beauty of natural swimming pools, koi ponds, and backyard beaches in a way that is clean and safe for pets, friends, and family.


4505 W Hacienda Ave Suite C

Las Vegas, NV 89118



Open Hours

M-F: 7:00 am - 2:30 pm

S & S: Closed



Phone Number





Patent #7767978 EPA Est. No 84519-NV-1